Finally, course books for groups of ESOL Literacy learners

Boost your learners' literacy and numeracy level.

Get your students to the next level.

Engaging material that radically cuts teachers’ prep. time.

A structure for your classes with all your material in one place.

Discounts of up to 25% for bulk orders.

ESOL Course Books

our books

Current titles

For basic ESOL Literacy learners.

Read and Write every day

For pre-beginner level students

Read and Write every day Upper

Preparation for Upper Intermediate writing assessments / exams

Writing for SQA ESOL National 5

Dave Butler | ESOL teacher and teacher trainer

About the Author

Dave Butler

My name’s Dave Butler. I’m an ESOL teacher and teacher trainer who’s passionate about teaching ESOL Literacy classes. I’ve been teaching this level for nearly 20 years but, even as an experienced teacher, I used to find that searching for and writing material, plus all the photocopying, took hours. I know from speaking to other teachers at this level that they experience the same difficulties.  

I have compiled 20 years of material writing into the coursebook, ‘Read and Write every day.’ Not only can it boost learners’ literacy and numeracy level, but it also saves teachers hours in preparation time.  

"Books that reflect students’ real-life experience."

I was so pleased to find a coursebook that was written for ESOL students and reflects their real-life experience. At this level you can’t really do too much repetition and reinforcement and that’s one of the things I really like about your books – they provide really good practice and consolidation. The content is also really relevant and engaging and caters well for the diverse needs of my learners.

Elaine Lauder

ESOL Literacy Teacher

Elaine Lauder | ESOL Literacy Teacher
“Makes planning much easier.”

I especially love how Read and Write every day combines and contextualises language and phonics into contexts that are relevant to the lives of our ESOL learners whilst also addressing their literacy needs. Several of our volunteer tutors have been using it frequently and have said how much easier it makes planning for them.

Dinushriya Spybey

Development Worker (Volunteer Tutor Project) – Glasgow ESOL Forum

Dinushriya Spybey | Development Worker (Volunteer Tutor Project) – Glasgow ESOL Forum
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A structure for your classes

All your material in one place for classwork, homework and supplementary materials.

Cut your prep. time.

No more endless searching for material and hours spent at the photocopier.

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